
Ground Handling


A first version of a plugin, allowing to request firetrucks to the current position. The plugin only provides the movement logic; firetruck models (and sound if wanted) need to be provided by the user. An example properties.ini that references a firetruck from MisterX_Library...


A first version of a plugin, allowing to request firetrucks to the current position. The plugin only provides the movement logic; firetruck models (and sound if wanted) need to be provided by the user. An example properties.ini that references a firetruck from MisterX_Library and CDB-Library is provided; for those having those libraries installed, the plugin may work right out of the box. To be noted: airports need taxiways for the trucks to move. Should one wish sound, a sound.wav can be added to the "64" folder (in parallel to win.xpl) - sound is played via OpenAL.
Don't loose patience when waiting for the trucks. If no firestation spwaning point is defined, they are spawning at the end of the airport farthest away from the user, so 1-3 minutes waiting time can in fact happen.

Starting with 1.2 there is also an option to drive along on the roof of one of the trucks (depending on how many have already spawned this will be a different truck - it is always the last one that is already spawned and moving) - see below for a video.

Starting with 1.3 one can define where the trucks start from by adding lines to parameters.ini like:
airport=KORD;-;8648 -24 -53296

Those airport statements can contain the name of a scenery as second parameter, but this is usually not needed since starting with 1.2 those are scanned automatically, enter '-', as shown above. The 3 coordinates are the local coordinates of the spawn point (determine that for example with the help of DataRef Viewer by moving the camera there and looking at view_x, view_y and view_z datarefs.

Attention, the provided sample coordinates may or may not be perfect for a given scenery; for EDDF for example they are good for the payware version; with the default EDDF, trucks would move out the wrong direction and it might pay off to change the coordinates for that; in general those coordinates are to be understood as a starting point for finetuning, according to the specific scenery and the specific spawning points one wants.

Exposed Parameters:

vmax=30 .............the maximum speed
turnsSpeedRatio=0.67 ........... braking down to 67% max speed at turns
finalDist=200 .................... 200m before the target aircraft the trucks swarm out
turnToAircraftAfter=75............ 75m after the above point they turn towards the aircraft
strongBrakingDist=80 ............. 80m from the aircraft they start to brake
maxBrakingDist=50   ............... 50m from the aircraft they step strongly into the brakes
decelOnFinal=2 .................the braking intensity 200m before the target
decelOnFinalSlow=0.00 ....... braking when they reach speed 15, in this case no more braking
decelOnFinalStrong=8 .......... braking strength when at strongBrakingDist
decelOnFinalMax=12 ...........braking strength when at maxBrakingDist
divergeFinaElongationFact=1.4 .............. the length they drive until turning to the aircraft is turnToAircraftAfter + angle*divergeFinaElongationFact, so trucks spreading out farther drive a tad longer
standStillSoundOffAfterSeconds=15 .... turns off sound after 15 seconds
distBetweenRunningTrucks=25 ...........don't get closer than 25m to other trucks, brake if getting closer
navPathNodeReached=60 .................. turn to next taxiway/runway node when within 60m (smalle values make for exacter driving but tighter curvey - 60m leads sometimes to taking shortcuts but looks best to me)

Installation wise, the usual: unpack to the Resources/plugins folder

Usage: call single firetrucks or 3 or 5 at once. At max 9 can be summoned. All can be removed at once as well.

Jump onto the roof of the last summoned truck with the ride command.

Currently windows only. 

1.3 features:

  • added an option to define a firestations coordinates as starting point
  • exposed a lot of the driving/stopping dynamics paramters in parameters.ini
  • refined braking/acceleration dynamics
  • fixed a bug where airports so big that the center is farther away than 5km would not load routes (EDDF)
  • provided sample firestation entries for KORD,LOWW,WSSS,LSZH.PHLI and EDDF - own ones can easily be added
  • allows the trucks now to go direct after the last taxiway node - this allows them to reach planes as far as 1.5km away from a runway after an overrun
Ground Handling
Eerste release
September 17, 2022
Laatst Geupdate
2 year(s) ago — 1.3




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© Harald Nowak - All rights reserved. Enige herupload of redistributie van dit bestand zonder toestemming van de auteur is verboden. Deze Flight Simulator 2020 Mod is gemaakt door Harald Nowak and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Ground Handling voor X-Plane 12.

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  • Uitgebracht September 17, 2022

    Eerste versie van dit bestand is net uitgekomen. Welkom aan boord!

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